Focus Areas
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Autonomous Systems and Robotics

Biomedical Technologies

Circuits, Microelectronics and Very-Large-Scale Integration

Communications, Coding and Information Theory

Computer Architecture and Cloud/Distributed Computing

Optics, Photonics and Terahertz Devices and Systems

Quantum Information Science and Engineering

Software Engineering and Embedded Systems

Wireless Networking, Security and Systems
Boulat Bash
Ivan B. Djordjevic
Christos Gagatsos
Salim Hariri
Marwan Krunz
Loukas Lazos
Ming Li
Michael M. Marefat
Kathleen Melde
Jerzy W. Rozenblit
Soheil Salehi
Hongyi "Michael" Wu
Hao Xin
Han Xu